Rich Howells

NEPA SCENE PODCAST: Episode 6 – North Korea, Sony, and the future of hacking and cyberterrorism

NEPA SCENE PODCAST: Episode 6 – North Korea, Sony, and the future of hacking and cyberterrorism
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Professionally recorded every Monday at The Stude in TwentyFiveEight Studios in Scranton and released exclusively on every Tuesday, the NEPA Scene Podcast is a free supplement to the website, expanding on the arts and entertainment stories covered on the site and going beyond them to discuss other news and entertainment topics.

Each week, the unedited and uncensored podcast features Rich Howells, NEPA Scene founder and editor; Mark Dennebaum, president and owner of TwentyFiveEight Studios; Lauren Quirolgico, commercial and content strategist at Lavelle Strategy Group and editor at TwentyFiveEight; and in the control room, Jimmy Reynolds, a musician, teacher, and lead audio engineer at TwentyFiveEight. Every episode streams on SoundCloud and

In this episode, Lauren is away, so our podcast video editor and local filmmaker Jer Tobin steps in as we talk about the hacking of Sony and our strained relations with North Korea. While many news outlets are covering Seth Rogen and James Franco’s comedy about assassinating North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, “The Interview,” and whether or not it will be released by Sony, we believe the issue of cyberterrorism runs much deeper than discussion of the film and its release. We also introduce a new segment in which we respond to reader comments on the website and social media.

Photo by Tom Bonomo/Eyedesignstudios