It ‘Sounds Like Teen Spirit’ at youth open mic night in Honesdale

From a press release:
This one isn’t just for Nirvana cover bands. On Friday, Nov. 14, The Cooperage in Honesdale will host a “Sounds Like Teen Spirit” open mic night from 7 p.m.-10 p.m.
The event is presented by the Honesdale High School Keep on Rockin’ Club and The Cooperage Project. All ages are invited to come watch and enjoy the evening, but only the area’s youth will be invited to step up on stage. The open mic is seeking aspiring musicians, poets, storytellers, jugglers, actors, yodelers, dancers, or whatever talents kids would like to showcase.
It is free, but donations are appreciated.

For those who are a bit older, The Crackers will be hosting an acoustic-style open mic night at The Cooperage on Wednesday, Nov. 12 from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. The board fills up quickly, so participants are asked to come early to sign up. This is also a donation-based event and is BYOB.
The Cooperage (1030 Main Street, Honesdale) is operated by the The Cooperage Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that seeks to build community through performance, learning, and good times.
For more information or to learn more about The Cooperage Project, call 570-253-2020 or visit the website.