Paul Sorvino delivers copies of ‘The Trouble with Cali’ to Lackawanna County, public showing planned
From a press release:
Finally, the taxpayers of Lackawanna County have their movie – “The Trouble with Cali.”
Three Blu-ray discs were delivered to the county commissioners’ office this morning from actor and director Paul Sorvino. The arrival of the package from West Hollywood, California brings to a close a 10-year journey to secure the independent film that the taxpayers financed in the amount of $500,000.
“First and foremost, I want to thank Mr. Sorvino for releasing “The Trouble with Cali” to us,” said Commissioner Jim Wansacz.
“We appreciate his willingness to give the taxpayers of Lackawanna County the film that they invested in.”
“The taxpayers of Lackawanna County have finally have received a return on their long-awaited investment,” said Commissioner Patrick M. O’Malley.
“We have to gain legal approvals surrounding the film’s public showing,” explained Commissioner Edward G. Staback.
“Once this process is complete, we can let the taxpayers see it.”
The commissioners began their quest to secure the film by sending a certified letter to Sorvino’s counsel – Atty. Richard A. Lefkowitz – on April 17.
The commissioners asked for a copy of the film, along with an accounting/breakdown of the expenditures surrounding the movie’s production as they relate to the $500,000.
Before any public viewing is done, the county will need to check if there are any legal ramifications for showing the controversial and critically panned film. When all clearances are received, county staff will begin to secure venues for a public showing that will be free of charge.
Public announcements will be made in the near future once all of the arrangements have been made.
Watch two clips from the film below (though they are not from the final cut) that contain major spoilers: