Scranton Zine Fest holds ‘open mic fundraiser’ at Ale Mary’s on May 28

From a press release:
The Scranton Zine Fest is an annual celebration of groundbreaking visual artists and writers. More specifically, the festival is a celebration of zinesters, distros, artistic press publications, and letterpress artists, complete with workshops, food, and live entertainment under one roof for the public to enjoy – free of charge.
It also serves as an outlet and networking tool for writers to exchange a variety of interests and to celebrate another aspect of Scranton’s thriving artist base. The festival is a top-notch stop on the map of notable East Coast zine festivals in Richmond; Brooklyn; New York City; Washington, D.C.; and Philadelphia, working harder than ever to showcase the abundant arts and literature in Lackawanna County and beyond.
The Scranton Zine Fest’s fifth year will be held at the Tripp Park Community Center (2000 Dorothy St., Scranton) on Saturday, June 13, so organizer Jess Meoni will have a fundraiser to pay for “venue costs and logistics to provide you with a great event” at Ale Mary’s (126 Franklin Ave., Scranton) this Thursday, May 28 from 7:30 p.m.-9:45 p.m.
Performers, who volunteered in advance to fill the 10-minute open mic slots, include comedians, poets, and musicians: John Walton, Carlton Farnbaugh, Gabbie Piper, Russell Austin, Chris Estevez, James McGurl, Alicia Kulick, Kevin Lepka, Ray Meoni, Bob Hannon/Dan Huy, Zack Hammond, and NEPA Scene’s own Rich Howells.
The festival is asking for a $10 donation, with Ale Mary’s receiving 25 percent. This price includes appetizers.