SHELTER SUNDAY: Meet Bella (long-haired dachshund) and Mamma Mia (white and gray kitten)

Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge teams up with NEPA Scene every week for Shelter Sunday, a post that features one dog, one cat, and occasionally some surprises up for adoption in the hopes of finding them a loving home.
Blue Chip Farm (974 Lockville Rd., Dallas) is a no-kill shelter, a place where no animal is too old or too unwanted to find a warm bed, good food, and most of all, love. Their mission is to provide a sanctuary where older, stray, abandoned, sick, or abused animals can wait to be adopted or simply live out their lives in safety and peace.
Visiting hours are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday from noon-5 p.m. Other hours are available by appointment. Call 570-333-5265 or visit for more information.
Today, we have two very special animals for Mother’s Day. One is a young mother, while the other needs a special mother or father in her life.

The previous foster for Bella had to return her because Bella was fighting with her other dog. The foster is devastated. The following message is from her:
Bella had a spinal injury, but is no longer in pain. She had seizures, and the medicine she is on affected her walking, so she is just beginning to walk again. Sometimes you just need to pick up her rear legs and she will walk. If you say, “Use your legs,” she understands what it means. She is not potty trained; we just started working on that. She will go outside if you take her out as soon as she wakes up, and she will wake you up if she is in bed with you to let you know she has to go.
She is a wonderful dog, but for some reason, she just kept going after Mya (my small dog), and sometimes she would go after the cats. She did bite Mya a few times, but was never like that with me. I think she might need to be the only dog in the home. Previously, she lived with big dogs, so that might work.
She if fearful of other people and will bark. We were telling her “no” when she was doing that and it was working.
She is just so loving and sweet; it breaks my heart to let her go. She loves being held, having her belly rubbed, car rides, and walks. She loves to eat… anything. She will bark at the table when you are eating, but if you tell her no, she will stop.
I wish so badly there was something, anything that could make it work; she was so happy.
She has Lyme disease also and needs to be checked again for it in August.
I know with everything wrong with her it’s going to be hard to find a home, but she is worth every second of work. She is so precious and loving.
We love her so much; I have just been crying for days. It’s so hard to not go and get her. She must feel so abandoned.
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