T-shirts on sale now to help fund Culture Shock! Free Music and Art Fest in Scranton
After holding a contest on NEPA Scene back in May to design the logo for the 2015 Culture Shock! Free Music and Art Fest, that grand prize-winning design, the “All-Shocking Eye” by Graydon Speace, is available for the first time on t-shirts that are on sale now for a limited time!
All proceeds from these sales will offset the costs of this completely free event, which has two main purposes – to showcase the immense talent in Northeastern Pennsylvania and culturally enhance the community.
“Culture Shock! is free to everyone. When we say free, we mean it. We don’t charge a fee to come to the fest. Vendors that sell food and merch are not charged a fee to sell. The artists that display and sell their work do so at no cost. There are no booth fees, space rentals, or charges to anyone – ever,” explained festival founder Cory Wolff.
“This is why we need your help! We need to raise funds so that Culture Shock! can actually happen. Please help us help our community.”
The shirts are only available until Wednesday, Aug. 26 through Teespring, so follow the link and order now before they’re gone!
Set for Saturday, Sept. 19 at Nay Aug Park in Scranton, Culture Shock! will feature a vast mix of different styles of music, culture, and art.
“Our hope is that you’ll hear music from a genre that you might not have known you even liked, or see a cool piece of artwork in a style you’ve never seen before – all while showcasing the creativity that lives in the place we call home,” Wolff added.