BEER WITH EVERYTHING PODCAST: Smuttlabs Kung Fu Hobo and Schmutzig by Smuttynose Brewing Company
Derek Warren’s popular How to Pair Beer with Everything column on is now a podcast! Joined by NEPA Scene founder and editor Rich Howells and beer enthusiast George Zvirblis, they’ll try a different brew each week and examine it through all the senses, diving into personal experiences and opinions, pop culture, news, or whatever comes to mind. While Derek is an experienced beer reviewer and aficionado (and co-host of the Beer Geeks Radio Hour on WILK 103.1 FM) and George is a beer collector who travels to breweries nationwide, Rich is more of a casual craft beer drinker (and co-host of the NEPA Scene Podcast), so they’ll both offer their own uncensored perspectives and ask guests to share their own.
Every episode is available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and
With George out this week, we delve into our most serious episode yet, as we recorded on the same day as the tragic shooting of two journalists on live television in Virginia. As we drink Smuttlabs Kung Fu Hobo and Schmutzig Hopfen Weisse by Smuttynose Brewing Company, we start off light, talking about hobos and catcalling, before getting into mass shootings in the United States, how news stories get politicized and turned into opinionated commentary, real-life violence on TV and the Internet, the upcoming presidential election and voting on only one issue, the Jared Fogle and Penn State sex abuse scandals, and conspiracy theorists. We also discuss the premiere of “Fear the Walking Dead” and fans judging it too early, the difficulties in recommending movies to others, customer service trolls like “Hope That Helps” and consumer entitlement, and why we’re not sports fans.
Listen on iTunes.
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