YOU SHOULD BE LISTENING TO: Scranton alternative punk rock band Emberá

City: Scranton
Genre(s): Alternative rock, punk rock, indie rock
Years active: 2014-present
Sounds like: Whether you’re leaving a relationship behind or deeply contemplating the one you’re in, this is the music that will get you through it – and haunt you as much as those painful memories do, though in a much more positive way. Emberá is punk-influenced alternative rock that conveys as much raw feeling through the guitar work as it does in the lyrics; the depth of the songwriting and emotions on display in these songs defies the young ages of the band members.
For fans of: The Menzingers, Alkaline Trio, The Dangerous Summer, Tigers Jaw, Three Man Cannon, The Wonder Years, and A Social State
Number of albums/EPs released: Two (two EPs, “Spring EP” in 2014 and “Emberá” in 2015, and they’re recording a new split EP this summer)
Latest album/EP: “Emberá,” released Aug. 21, 2015
Fun fact: Vocalist/guitarist James Barrett and drummer Tyler Barrett are brothers, and the band calls Tyler “Barb.”
Online: Facebook, Instagram, and Bandcamp
Upcoming shows:
July 8: Yardstock IV at Par Glass House Shows (740 Ridge Rd., Orangeville) with full day of bands, noon, Emberá goes on at 1 p.m.
Aug. 6: Old Charades record release show at The Other Side (119 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre) with Old Charades with Sheep Morale, Black Hole Heart, Worries, 18th & Addison, Those Clever Foxes, and Jared Hart, 5 p.m.
Learn more about frontman James Barrett and his solo music in Episode 50 of the NEPA Scene Podcast.