Learn ‘How the Arts Help Us Heal’ in free program at Scranton Cultural Center on April 1
From a press release:
The world of art impacts people in a number of different ways – socially, recreationally, and spiritually.
Continuing in that vein, a panel of distinguished speakers from a variety of disciplines will examine the impact the arts have on healing.
The Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department and the Lackawanna County Arts, Culture and Education Council will present an “Afternoon with the Arts: How the Arts Help Us Heal” on Saturday, April 1 in the Ladies Parlor on the second floor of the Scranton Cultural Center (420. N. Washington Ave., Scranton) from 1 p.m.-3 p.m. The program runs from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. and will be followed by a reception. Both activities are free and open to the public.
The panel discussion will be moderated by arts therapist Erin Joyce and feature Mary Lou Chirbirka, a visual artist who runs Good Grief Art, a program to help people during the grieving process; Donna Doherty, physician liaison with Traditional Home Health and Hospice; and Dr. Mladen Jecmenica, a physician with the Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education. Mark Reinhart, a musician, Qigong practitioner, and owner of Three Pure Rivers Studio will perform at the reception.
The group’s discussion will center on the healing quality of various arts disciplines and how they can aid in all levels of recovery for serious trauma, loss, and dealing with the stresses of everyday life.
“Afternoon with the Arts” is modeled after the successful “Wake Up with the Arts” program, an annual breakfast now in its ninth year and features a national arts industry speaker. The concept of “Afternoon with the Arts” is to integrate the arts into dialogues across multiple disciplines.
The Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department was formed in 2004 and is supported through an education and culture fee that generates approximately $1.2 million for the purpose of enriching the county. The office offers community grants, public arts programming, workshops, and lectures and oversees the operation of the Electric City Trolley Station and Museum in Scranton.
To register for the workshop, contact the Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department at 570-963-6590, ext. 106, or e-mail arts-culture@lackawannacounty.org.