NEPA electronic artists team up to form Spectre and release debut album ‘Jam the Transmission’

From a press release:
Newly formed Northeastern Pennsylvania electronic group Spectre will release their debut album, “Jam the Transmission,” on March 18. The duo consists of local powerhouses Quoth and The Gary Goblins and was born in June of 2016 when the two had an impromptu jam session that spawned their debut album, a perfect melding of their distinct electronic styles.
Quoth is from Scranton by way of Brooklyn, New York. As a huge music fan from birth, he decided it was time for him to add his own little something to the world’s culture of music. He uses his love of industrial, breakbeat, goth, drum and bass, ambient, and hip-hop collectively to create the unique “Quoth” sound.
Based in Archbald, The Gary Goblins has been making electronic music since late 1998. Upon his high school graduation, he told people in his yearbook that he wanted to be an electronic musician. In October of that year, he bought his first synthesizer. His catalog ranges from satirical tongue-in-cheek pieces to those inspired by current events.
“Jam the Transmission” was improvised on a hot day in June at The Leaning Room, Gary Goblins’ studio. A couple of dry runs later, they realized that they had something blossoming. They reset and hit record. An hour later, they hit the stop button.
The album, which consists of 16 tracks from that day and two from a previous session, is unique in a lot of ways. Any tech heads out there will find it interesting to know that, during the jam session, none of the equipment used was linked up in any way. It was just two electronic artists using modern gadgets with human internal body clocks and vibes. Spectre was created after this jam session because, when the smoke cleared, it was no longer just Quoth and The Gary Goblins jamming; it was a new entity – one that had to be named… and heard.
“Jam the Transmission” will be available for download from both artists’ respective Bandcamp pages on Saturday, March 18, for a “name your own price” tag. Fans can look forward to special hidden items in the download as well. Both artists stress that this will not be the end of Spectre, but just the beginning.
Photos by Keith Barbuti Photography