Added on 05/09/2018
Jason Riedmiller
Beautiful People of NEPA , comic books , Comics on the Green , photography , Scranton
PHOTOS: Beautiful People of NEPA, Free Comic Book Day Edition, 05/05/18
Saturday, May 5 was the 17th annual Free Comic Book Day, prompting a line that stretched out the door of Comics on the Green in downtown Scranton. Once that died down a bit, I took these portraits of customers and employees of the store.
This isn’t my first comic-themed Beautiful People entry, and it certainly won’t be my last as long as Thanos doesn’t make anyone else disappear before then.
Dave, owner of Comics on the Green. 5/5/18
DC Comics artist Tom Derenick. 5/5/18
Matt, manager at Comics on the Green. 5/5/18
These are the Beautiful People of NEPA. New faces are featured on Wednesdays.
His name is Jason Riedmiller. He takes photographs. That is all.