Lackawanna County offers resource guide for creative community struggling during coronavirus pandemic
From a press release:
The arts and culture sector is especially vulnerable to issues posed by the current COVID-19 crisis by the nature of the work they do. Many artists are self-employed, and small businesses and nonprofits rely on a customer base. Additionally, arts and culture organizations provide programs for the public who are now under quarantine.
In response to the challenges faced by the creative sector, the Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department and several other agencies and individuals joined forces to publish “Lackawanna County COVID-19 Creative Community Resources,” a guide that helps to navigate the many resources available to artists of all kinds.
The guide outline CARES Act programs, the Pennsylvania CARE Package, and gives links for grant funding and other resource as well as local organizations offering their expertise for navigating these programs.
The directory will be updated regularly to meet the challenges and changes everyone is facing daily. The public is encouraged to follow the county’s Arts and Culture Department’s Facebook and Twitter pages for the latest information.
The organizations that offered guidance for the compendium are the city of Scranton’s Office of Economic and Community Development; the Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science, and Art; the Lackawanna County Arts, Culture, and Education Council; Meoni Graphics + Promotion; NEPA Alliance; the Scranton Area Community Foundation; Scranton Tomorrow; The University of Scranton Small Business Development Center; and United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
The Lackawanna County Arts and Cultured Department will also offer an information session through Facebook Live on Tuesday, April 14 at 1 p.m., which will also be broadcast simultaneously on Electric City Television on channel 19.
For more information on the guide or information session, contact Lackawanna County Deputy Director of Arts and Culture Maureen McGuigan at 570-815-1280 or
The document begins with this message:
We know this is a very scary and uncertain time for our local businesses, nonprofits, artists, and independent contractors.
We are here for you.
Our creative community holds such importance to the quality of life here in Lackawanna County. Organizations are here to assist you during this crisis with developmental programs, guidance, and funding capabilities. We have compiled these resources for you in one convenient document to present these opportunities. The economic and social balance of home, work, and community are changing rapidly. We will make every effort to keep this document updated, but because information is changing sometimes daily, we do encourage you to stay current by clicking the “More Info” links at the end of each section.
Read the entire “Lackawanna County COVID-19 Creative Community Resources” guide below or download it here.