TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘River City Ransom’ is far more than a generic NES beat ’em up game

I can’t begin to tell you how many people come into my store and ask me, “What makes these games so special? What makes them worth as much as they are? There’s really a market for these still?” Certainly this is enough to annoy and perhaps even insult a person with a deep appreciation for […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Demon Attack’ is a simple, but addictive Atari 2600 shooter

It’s the early 1980s, and your favorite writer of all things retro video games is but a wee lad learning the ropes as far as video games are concerned. Introduced to such games as “Bowling,” “Boxing,” “Space Invaders,” “Carnival,” and “Donkey Kong” on a glorious wood grain Atari 2600, it wasn’t long before I ventured […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Shining Force II’ is a shining example of a classic Sega Genesis RPG

One of the main reasons the Sega Genesis didn’t appeal to me was its distinct lack of RPGs. In addition, I found that some of the RPGs that did appear on the system to be a bit tedious and not really user-friendly. However, this isn’t to say that my opinion is law or that there […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Killer Instinct’ fights on as a cult classic on the SNES

Welcome to 2015, Turn to Channel 3 readers! I hope your holidays were grand and full of wonder, as well as video games, of course! I feel there’s no greater way to start off a new year than with a game that’s full of impact, full of such fond memories for so many gamers – […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘DuckTales: Remastered’ takes gamers back to Duckburg and Saturday mornings

Initially, it was difficult deciding what game to end 2014 with. After having a fun and successful “Season of Sequels,” I was left wondering just what game to review next. Thankfully, it didn’t take nearly as long as I thought to finally chose a game. Today, we will be taking a look at “DuckTales: Remastered” […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Zelda II: The Adventure of Link’ shouldn’t be the black sheep of the franchise

We all have that game that gets a bad rap in the gaming world, that game we defend until the bitter end despite criticism that suggests we are out of our minds. Today, we’re going to finish up our “Season of Sequels” with a look at the “black sheep” of the “Legend of Zelda” series, […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Is ‘Streets of Rage 2’ the best Sega Genesis game of all time?

Despite my lack of love and fanfare for the Sega Genesis, I am never against fully admitting when there’s a game in the system’s library that was done right, catching my eye when so many others failed to get my attention. Today, on this second installment of Turn to Channel 3’s “Season of Sequels,” we […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: The mega impact of ‘Mega Man 2’

Here on Turn to Channel 3, it’s been decided that the remainder of December will be entitled “The Season of Sequels,” where we’ll take a look at the second outing of three popular franchises in the lore of retro gaming. Today, we take a look at arguably the greatest battle against Dr. Wily’s evil robots […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: The simple, but addictive frenzy of ‘Kaboom!’ for Atari 2600

Recently, I had a conversation with some fellow gamer friends about the games and systems that shaped our childhood, and one of the stories I always tell is about how my family wasn’t the first one on the block with a Nintendo Entertainment System console, and that the games we played, and the system we […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Mutant League Football’ made the sport fun (and evil) for non-‘Madden’ fans

It’s no secret to my friends and fellow gamers – I’m not a big fan of the Sega Genesis. I never owned one as a kid, and only through friends did I get introduced to some of the games for it. Later, when I began collecting, I always went for those games I knew about, […]