Added on 09/07/2021
NEPA Scene Staff
Little Theatre of Wilkes-Barre , musical , Nintendo , video games , Wilkes-Barre

From a press release: When the controller is passed and it’s your turn, will you continue on or press pause and quit? Premiering this weekend at the Little Theatre of Wilkes-Barre, “Tall Green Plumber: A Video Game Musical” follows the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and the lefts and rights of the citizens […]
Added on 01/11/2021
NEPA Scene Staff
coronavirus , Nintendo , Scranton , Scranton Fringe Festival , video games

From a press release: Like many arts organizations, the Scranton Fringe Festival has had to get even more creative over the last year, hosting live streams and even shows behind glass. As the coronavirus pandemic and government restrictions continue in a socially and politically divided 2021, the Scranton Fringe is offering an escape to a […]