Dee Culp

LIVING YOUR TRUTH: 2017 Geisinger Transgender Conference is strangely missing trans representation

LIVING YOUR TRUTH: 2017 Geisinger Transgender Conference is strangely missing trans representation

As we come up on the 2017 Transgender Awareness Conference, scheduled to take place on Monday, April 10 at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine (formerly the Commonwealth Medical College) in Scranton, I feel compelled to be there. In its fifth year, we see that the conference has undergone something of a name change, now […]

 Dee Culp

LIVING YOUR TRUTH: Commonwealth Medical College’s Transgender Health Conference opens eyes and brings tears

LIVING YOUR TRUTH: Commonwealth Medical College’s Transgender Health Conference opens eyes and brings tears

The Commonwealth Medical College in Scranton held their fourth annual conference on transgender health care and awareness on Monday, April 11 with a record turnout. Students, faculty, and practicing physicians crowded the main auditorium to hear from the transgender community, as well as its families, friends, and allies within the overall LGBT community. It’s still […]