HOW TO PAIR BEER WITH EVERYTHING PODCAST: Episode 2 – Hop Stoopid Ale by Lagunitas Brewing Company
Derek Warren’s popular How to Pair Beer with Everything column on is now a podcast! Joined by NEPA Scene founder and editor Rich Howells, they’ll try a different brew each week and examine it through all the senses, diving into personal experiences and opinions, pop culture, news, or whatever comes to mind. While Derek is an experienced beer reviewer and aficionado (and co-host of the Beer Geeks Radio Hour on WILK 103.1 FM), Rich is more of a casual craft beer drinker (and co-host of the NEPA Scene Podcast), so they’ll both offer their own uncensored perspectives and ask guests to share their own.
Every episode is available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and
In Episode 2, we welcome our first guest, George Zvirblis, a beer enthusiast from Dunmore who has traveled coast to coast to try beers of all kinds. As we sample Hop Stoopid Ale by Lagunitas Brewing Company, we reminisce about the days we all worked at Blockbuster Video and messed with customers, dealt with late fees, and watched changing policies spell the end of the business. We talk about fast food mascots like Colonel Sanders and Darrell Hammond’s creepy take on him, Budweiser’s change of heart regarding craft beers and marketing, open-ended movies and the push for franchises, the cancellation of “Hannibal” on NBC, people getting offended by everything they see on the Internet, Garfield’s forgotten dark period, the early days of the Internet, comedians and what happened to Dane Cook, collecting as kids and adults, and much more! We wrap up by drinking Black is the New Wit by Terrapin Beer Company and New Belgium Brewing Company and noting how many beer names are taken from pop culture and how brewers must avoid infringing on copyrights, including a local example involving “Star Wars.”
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