Guitar virtuoso Tim Farrell will perform and hold fingerstyle workshop in Honesdale on April 18

From a press release:
The Cooperage Project is proud to welcome fingerstyle guitar virtuoso and composer Tim Farrell to The Cooperage in Honesdale on Saturday, April 18, both to perform and to lead a hands-on guitar workshop.
Farrell is a highly accomplished guitarist whose roots and influences transcend genre. He has mastered the intricacies of fingerstyle guitar, infusing craft, technique and melodic substance to create his own inimitable style.
Farrell will take the stage at The Cooperage (1030 Main St., Honesdale) at 7 p.m. When he gracefully evokes a melody from his acoustic guitar, you don’t just hear it – you feel it. He is among a rare breed of musicians who can make listeners experience music on a multitude of levels.
“Tim Farrell’s music doesn’t need words; the stories are in the compositions,” says Scott Raymond of WVKR-FM, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Tim’s melodies captivate and enchant, while his playing expresses a simple elegance that celebrates the purity of the acoustic guitar.
From 4:30 p.m.-6 p.m., Farrell will lead a guitar workshop called “Fingerstyle Guitar Basics.” This hands-on workshop is open to all ages and levels of proficiency. It will be tailored to the participants; bringing a guitar is recommended but not required.
“We will discuss the basic principles and techniques of fingerstyle playing, such as hand technique and tone production, as well as good fingering in both hands,” Farrell said. “If we progress far enough, we will work on some fingerstyle arrangements for accompaniment and solo playing. Come and join us and have fun!”
Suggested donation for the workshop is $15, and space is limited. Call 570-253-2020 to register. No registration is needed for Farrell’s performance; donations are collected at the door.
This performance is supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. The Cooperage is operated by the The Cooperage Project, a not-for-profit organization that seeks to build community through performance, learning, and good times. For more information, visit or call 570-253-2020.