NEPA Scene’s Got Talent spotlight: Singer/songwriter Katie Evans
Every week of NEPA Scene’s Got Talent, our free open mic and talent competition at Thirst T’s Bar & Grill in Olyphant, we feature a quick Q&A with the latest audience vote winner, which was singer/songwriter Katie Evans on May 12.
The weekly winner receives $50 in cash and the headlining slot for the following Tuesday, and all other performers are encouraged to compete again as often as they’d like or simply show off their talents for fun.
After 12 weeks, the 12 winners will face off against each other in front of a panel of local celebrities who will determine the winner of the grand prize – a vacation package that includes $500 cash, three days and two nights in Cleveland, Ohio to tour the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum and the Great Lakes Brewing Company, tickets to a Cleveland Indians baseball game, and a free recording session at TwentyFiveEight Studios in Scranton when they return home.
We asked the soon-to-be 27-year-old Peckville resident about winning Week 8 with her original songs on acoustic guitar, and she told us to call her “Kevans, a name I required over the years from a close friend. Thank you, Dave Brown.”
NEPA SCENE: What brought you here to this event?
KATIE EVANS: Seeing it on NEPA Scene’s Facebook!
NS: How long have you been practicing your music?
KE: Since I was 13 years old.
NS: What interested you in music in the first place? How did you get started?
KE: I grew up hanging around a bunch of crazy misfits, and one day we decided to stop beating each other up and play music. I owe a lot of what I do to Eric Katchmore from Behind the Grey. We all just started playing music for family and friends.
NS: Is this something that you’re pursuing as a career or is it just for fun?
KE: It’s a lifestyle. It’s the only thing I know how to do, other than work at different jobs just to pay the bills.
NS: What was your immediate reaction or feeling when you won?
KE: Well, I definitely didn’t see it coming. At first, I wasn’t paying attention and my friend was like, “Um, Katie, you just won.”
NS: Why do you think you won the audience vote?
KE: Well, I met a lot of great people from coming to this talent showcase every week. Everyone is so talented, and we all became friends. Even The Carlton.
NS: How will you spend your $50 prize?
KE: Gas. Food. And going to Disney.
NS: Do you perform live in front of an audience regularly? Where can people see one of your performances next?
KE: I will be playing out a lot this month [including opening for Sean Danielsen of Smile Empty Soul this Thursday, May 21] and through the summer!
NS: Where can people find your music online?
KE: If you check out my music page, you can see when and where I’m playing!
Photo by Alex Seeley Photography