Added on 01/11/2017
Jason Riedmiller
Beautiful People of NEPA , photography , Scranton

PHOTOS: Beautiful People of NEPA, Scranton Police Department, 01/11/17

This week’s Beautiful People of NEPA is in honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, which was held on Monday, Jan. 9. Members of the Scranton Police Department posed for these portraits on Tuesday, Jan. 10 at police headquarters on South Washington Avenue in downtown Scranton.
Dedicated to Patrolman John James Wilding (722.) End of Watch: Sunday, July 12, 2015.

William Aniska (718). Scranton, PA. 1/10/17

Nickolas Hurchick (708). Scranton, PA. 1/10/17

Jessica Dinning (694). Scranton, PA. 1/10/17

Jerry Tallo (615) and Gunner. Scranton, PA. 1/10/17

Robert Olecki (590). Scranton, PA. 1/10/17

Lieutenant Len Namiotka (535). Scranton, PA. 1/10/17

Jason Hyler (698). Scranton, PA. 1/10/17
These are the Beautiful People of NEPA. New faces are featured on Wednesdays.

His name is Jason Riedmiller. He takes photographs. That is all.