NEPA SCENE PODCAST: Singer/songwriter and former Breaking Benjamin guitarist Aaron Fink

The NEPA Scene Podcast is back in a new location with new co-hosts and a fresh format, conducting the same honest, uncensored interviews and in-depth discussions about Northeastern Pennsylvania that the show has become known for, covering local arts, entertainment, and the issues that matter to the area.
Recorded and produced every week by Internet marketing company Coal Creative in their production studio in downtown Wilkes-Barre, the podcast is now presented as a live, multi-camera show that streams in high definition on NEPA Scene’s Facebook page on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. Every hour-long episode is hosted by Rich Howells, editor and founder of NEPA Scene; Brittany Boote, owner of Boote Photography Studio in Forty Fort; and Johnny Popko, the senior marketing consultant at local radio stations Alt 92.1, Rock 107, and ESPN Radio. Viewers are encouraged to tune in and interact during the Facebook Live stream so that the hosts can address comments and answer questions as they come in.
After the live webcast, the show is available the following Friday as an audio podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, and Stitcher, while the video version can be seen on Facebook and YouTube.
In Episode 3, we sit down with singer/songwriter Aaron Fink, known for his solo work as well as for playing in multi-platinum-selling rock band Breaking Benjamin, The Badlees, Gentleman East, Lifer, Strangers with Candy, and Stardog Champion. We talk about his experiences in these bands and why they eventually led him to becoming a singer/songwriter; his latest solo album, “Galaxies,” and working on the new Gentleman East record; how he initially got into music and his very first band; why he chose to live in NEPA; being on MTV when it was still relevant; touring the country at 24; the ever-changing music industry and figuring out how to find success in 2017; the local music scene and the difficulty in getting people to come out and support live original music these days; his writing and recording process; growing as an artist and defining success as following what you’re passionate about; and more, including Aaron answering some live viewer questions.
In The Last Word segment, John rants about April the giraffe having her baby for the entire Internet to (eventually) see, and we briefly discuss good and bad uses of live streaming.
Watch the live video version on YouTube:
Listen on iTunes.
Listen on SoundCloud:
Listen on Stitcher.
Watch the original Facebook Live stream: