Rich Howells

Scranton musician Dan Copes battles rare cancer as GoFundMe raises money for medical bills

Scranton musician Dan Copes battles rare cancer as GoFundMe raises money for medical bills
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Scranton singer/songwriter Dan Copes is known as one of those genuine people that brightens every room he enters, whether he’s playing music with his band The Dank Hopes Project or just striking up a friendly conversation.

That’s why his recent cancer diagnosis has hit the local music scene particularly hard, so family, friends, and fellow musicians are donating money for his care via GoFundMe.

His brother Benjamin Copes started the crowdfunding campaign four days ago and it has already raised $25,447 from 341 donors, surpassing the initial goal of $25,000 and well on its way towards meeting the next goal of $30,000.

“A few weeks ago, my brother Dan was diagnosed with Stage IV adrenocortical carcinoma (adrenal cancer), which is very rare and difficult to treat. The cancer has spread throughout Dan’s abdomen, affecting his adrenal gland, pancreas, liver, and more. The road to recovery is a long one, but I know Dan has the strength and life force to get there. I am raising funds to help with medical bills, quality of life aids, and other costs associated with treatment,” Benjamin Copes wrote on the GoFundMe page.

“Anyone that has met my brother likely knows him as a person who is kindhearted, genuine, intelligent, and non-judgmental. He has always been a loving person, both towards other people and animals, seeking to cause no harm and ease other’s troubles. I’ve always been impressed by Dan’s desire and capacity to learn, like when he went to China for a few months and came back having made the decision to become fluent in Mandarin. Perhaps one of my favorite attributes is Dan’s love of music and his musical ability. He has brought so much joy to me – and I know to others as well – with his guitar playing and music making. I will always think of my brother with a guitar in his hands creating beautiful sounds, and I can’t wait for the day when my future kids can hear their Uncle Dan play them a song.

“I ask that you please consider contributing to help my brother live a full and happy life so that he can continue making my life, and the lives of those around Dan, full and happy. We appreciate anything you can give, whether it is money or love and support or prayers and good vibes. Thank you in advance, from the bottom of my heart.”

The Dank Hopes Project is an indie band with “intricate acoustic style and ethnic hand drums” that offers “a unique mix of alternative rock, jazz, and reggae vibes,” as they describe themselves. Dan Copes’ girlfriend and bandmate Kailin Bouse also asked for prayers and support when sharing the GoFundMe link on Facebook.

“From my heart, I ask everyone to please send healing prayers and energy to my partner, Dan Copes. Even just five minutes each day of directing healing intention towards him can help him on the journey ahead. We truly believe in the power of prayer and intention, so I ask to send them our way to help aid healing for Dan,” she said. “Miracles are possible.”

The band performed at Peculiar Slurp Shop in Scranton as part of the the Electric City Music Conference last year. ECMC organizer and co-founder Joe Caviston also shared the GoFundMe on social media.

“Dan Copes is such an amazing dude. Please consider donating. It’s always been a pleasure to work with The Dank Hopes Project. Dan and Kailin are always front and center at local shows supporting bands across ever genre. Let’s support him now,” he wrote. “Sending all my love!”

Watch The Dank Hopes Project’s 2019 ECMC set below: