Strength & Focus

Create the future you want with the choice to change now! This column offers Strength & Focus for the moments you need to overcome the distractions of the week, each and every day. Look for it on Mondays on NEPA Scene.

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: What do you want in life?

Before we go any further, please consider the following question: What do you want in life? What do you truly want? So if you haven’t done so already, please ask yourself, “What do I want?” As a coach, I have the opportunity to talk with many people, and I always learn some fascinating details about […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: The inspirational story of Wilkes-Barre photographer/designer Keith Perks

STRENGTH & FOCUS: The inspirational story of Wilkes-Barre photographer/designer Keith Perks

Greetings, friends, If the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is true, then I hope the words-to-dollars exchange rate is good because that would put local photographer/graphic designer Keith Perks somewhere north of a billionaire. For years, he has been capturing NEPA’s beauty, artistry, and originality in his photography, as well as helping […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: 7 tips for an enjoyable holiday shopping experience

Greetings, friends, I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was plentiful and filled with many new memories. Hopefully you enjoyed last week’s topic of feeling and expressing gratitude, and maybe you were able to appreciate your blessings just a little more and/or recognize something new that you hadn’t noticed until now. This week’s installment will be short […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: Gratitude is giving thanks more than once a year

Greetings, friends! In a few days, you’ll probably surround yourself with good company, exchanging fond memories and stories with loved ones, and offering a brief word of thanks before digging into a king’s feast of assorted delights. But there are other activities! Maybe you’ll start the day by watching a parade, or you may even […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: ‘A Life on the Bright Side’ with life coach Alison Skoff

STRENGTH & FOCUS: ‘A Life on the Bright Side’ with life coach Alison Skoff

I recently had the opportunity to sit down and chat with local coach Alison Skoff, who took me on a tour of her career and explained what it’s like living on the bright side. As a personal development coach, Skoff assists her clients in creating their own success stories by focusing on goals and developing […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: Reconnect with your inner child

Warning: This article/activity is meant to be enjoyable. May cause an increase of smiles, lighthearted enjoyment, and piqued interest in youthful or carefree activities! Have you ever watched a child at play? They laugh, run, jump, imagine, create, sing, dance, and truly live each day. When was the last time you had a hearty and […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: A day of Natural Health

STRENGTH & FOCUS: A day of Natural Health

For this week’s installment of Strength & Focus, I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Donna LaBar, a Nutritional Healing Coach and co-organizer of the Natural Health Clinic, a special one-day forum focusing on educating the public about a variety of topics relating to health and wellness. The free event, which will […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: A special invitation from Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

If you’ve been following my column for the past few weeks, then you know my feelings towards incorporating meditation into our daily lives. If you were not already familiar with this column, I’d invite you to read some previous features especially: “Find time to meditate and discover the benefits,” “Quality time with Your Self,” and […]

 Rich Perry

STRENGTH & FOCUS: The company we keep

How important is the company we keep? How influential is the company we keep? Does our company consist of positive, motivated, encouraging, and supportive individuals, or mostly the opposite? Let’s consider this simple statement: “At least I’m not the only one…” How many times have we heard this before? How many times have we used […]

 Rich Perry



I recently had the opportunity to speak with a few teenagers, and during the course of the conversation, one of the teens began to brag about some wild adventures and ended the story with, “YOLO!” The statement “You Only Live Once” (YOLO, in pop culture) has been made popular to excuse sometimes foolish, irresponsible, or […]