Pennsylvania declares January ‘Learn to Ski & Snowboard Month,’ resorts offer discounts all month

From a press release: Gov. Tom Wolf has officially declared January 2020 “Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month” in Pennsylvania, with the Senate also making a proclamation. For the entire month, members of the Pennsylvania Ski Areas Association are offering special discounts on learning packages, which makes it affordable and convenient for first-timers to get […]
Successful ‘Winter Blues Guitarmageddon’ at Scranton Cultural Center leads to live CD release

From a press release: Hundreds of blues lovers from all over the region gathered at the Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple in February to shake off their “winter blues” and warm up at an evening of live music dubbed the Soul Shakers Winter Blues Guitarmageddon, featuring some of the finest blues performers in […]
Arlo’s Tavern features blues series October through December

From a press release: Arlo’s Tavern in Union Dale is known for its commitment to good music and continues to bring top entertainment to NEPA by launching a series of blues jams featuring a number of the region’s top-tier blues artists. The blues jams will be hosted by the Soul Shakers, a rhythm section comprised […]