Local ladies read poetry for free at The Gathering Place in Clarks Summit on June 23

From a press release:
Two Scranton writers will perform their poetry at The Gathering Place in Clarks Summit on Saturday, June 23 at 7 p.m.
Aptly named “Two Local Ladies Read Poetry,” Laurel Radzieski and Daryl Sznyter will offer selections from their published works.
Radzieski’s most recent work, “Red Mother,” is a book of short poems that explore the intimacy, desire, and devotion we all experience by following the sometimes tender, often distressing relationship that emerges between a parasite and its host. According to Radzieski, “Sometimes we all feel as if our relationships consume us.”
Her poetry is playful, though often with sinister undertones. Far from romanticizing either role, the book takes readers on a tour of their own innards, exposing the hooks and claws of all involved. Following the parasite’s life cycle, the book blurs the line between science and poetic license to create a fantastical romp not for the squeamish. Although parasites are not known as conversationalists, Radzieski’s guest has a lot to say.
Radzieski began writing “Red Mother” in 2015 when she was a writer-in-residence at the Wormfarm Institute, a nonprofit arts organization in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Spending four months living in a barn and working on an organic farm gave her the time to write and the inspiration to get the project going. “Red Mother” was released by NYQ Books in February.
Radzieski earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College and her BA at Keystone College. She is the poetry editor for Clockhouse, and her work has appeared in The Golden Key, Really System, The Slag Review, and other publications. Currently living in Scranton with her husband, she spends her days as a grant writer and has worn many hats in the theatre.
Sznyter also resides in Northeastern Pennsylvania, having settled here after receiving her MFA from The New School. She works as a content writer and SEO analyst.
Sznyter’s poetry revolves around her favorite topics of literature, psychology, feminism, art, anatomy, human sexuality, and “anything else she is unfamiliar with.” With each poem in her debut collection, “Synonyms for (Other) Bodies,” she offers images that, in her words, “peel back one of the tender, horrific, humorous, and often magical veils through which we view ourselves, others, and the collective ‘We’ that, for better or worse, comprises the human race.”
Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has been featured in The American Journal of Poetry, The Flexible Persona, Gravel, Phoebe, Post Lore, and WomenArts Quarterly.
Both poets will be reading from their work and will discuss their art with the audience at The Gathering Place (304 S. State St., Clarks Summit). Admission is free. For more information, call 570-881-7612 or visit gatheringplacecs.org or the Facebook event page.