TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Though simple, ‘Keystone Kapers’ is criminally addictive on Atari 2600
To those who didn’t grow up with the Atari 2600, it can be easy to dismiss a large part of the library as a complete joke. The idea that many of these games not only entertained us but helped develop our love of video games seems like something a lover of “Fortnite” could not understand, […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Swing by Atari’s ‘Jungle Hunt,’ but don’t plan on a long expedition
In the world of video games, sometimes things just don’t go according to plan and you need to be able to improvise to keep the ball rolling, as it were. This was especially the case for today’s topic for Turn to Channel 3’s “Atari August” – “Jungle Hunt!” Initially called “Jungle Boy” and then “Jungle […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Atari’s ‘Missile Command’ is a blocky blast from gaming’s past
To me, one of the greatest things about video games are those moments and games that unite us, those titles that are still undeniably good and fun to play now, some three decades plus later. This month on Turn to Channel 3, we’re going to take a look at a few of these fine specimens […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Uncover ‘Sly Spy’ for some Bond-style secret agent action
Today, we finish this month of action titles with one that may have slipped under the radars of a lot of gamers, especially those who were not frequenting their local arcades back in the day. Now having a resurgence under the series of Johnny Turbo Data East collection games on the Nintendo Switch, we find […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Hunt down ‘Super Spy Hunter’ and enjoy this souped-up NES sequel
Even as a kid, I always found it confusing that any game with the word “super” in it would appear on any other console but the Super Nintendo but, in most cases, I was also super amazed, super grateful, and very entertained. Today, as we continue with this month of action-packed retro games, we go […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Metal Gear Solid’ remains a solid stealth game even with dated graphics
I think the most difficult part of being a video game developer is realizing when your established franchise needs a reboot and, more importantly, just what that should entail. Today’s topic on Turn to Channel 3 is largely considered one of the greatest examples of doing so the right way, ushering a whole new generation […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: NES rolled out a decent spy action game with ‘Rolling Thunder’
Ah yes, July – a month of heat, fireworks, and tons of summer fun, so that’s why we are going to look at some explosive action games here on Turn to Channel 3 and see if they still pack a punch all these years later. We begin the month with the Nintendo Entertainment System adaptation […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Contra Force’ is a forced entry in an otherwise solid game franchise
One of the more hilarious discussions I have on a daily basis with customers is about why certain games carry a higher price tag than others. While explaining certain games that are both popular and more difficult to obtain, it makes a lot of sense to them, but sometimes we are discussing a game that […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Sega Genesis’ ‘Contra: Hard Corps’ gives Nintendo games a run for their money
It’s no secret to those who know me (or those who read this column regularly) that I’m not a really big fan of the Sega Genesis. Now before you come at me, bro, just know this largely has to do with not having the console as a kid and being a huge RPG fan during […]
TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Contra III: The Alien Wars’ is a monster hardware and gameplay upgrade
Regardless of what console it is, when an established franchise makes that leap to the next generation of gaming, the results aren’t always pleasant. However, it seems that if developers do their homework and find out what the best uses of this new technology are, then chances are the next incarnation of their beloved franchise […]