Space Time Mead & Cider Works in Dunmore calls to artists for wine label contest benefiting Ukraine

From a press release: Space Time Mead & Cider Works in Dunmore is currently sponsoring its fourth annual label competition to design a bottle label for specialty wine. The theme for this year’s competition is unity, “inspired by the work of people towards peace and justice for Ukraine. Strides toward unity exemplify our hope for […]
Lackawanna County holds student mural art contest, submissions due April 1

From a press release: The Lackawanna County Commissioners are providing area students with an opportunity to showcase their art and design talents by participating in the COVID-19 Community Mural Program. Young artists will have the opportunity to create and paint up to two 3 foot x 3 foot portable community murals that will serve as […]
Lackawanna County restaurants will participate in photo contest during the holidays

From a press release: This holiday season, Lackawanna County and the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce are asking foodies and everyday restaurant patrons to “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry” at their favorite public places. From Nov. 25 through Jan. 1, they will encourage residents to take photos of their favorite food or drink at a […]
Enter your pet in Hershey’s Cadbury Bunny Tryouts to win a commercial appearance and $5,000

From a press release: Pets brought many people joy this past year – as coworkers, roommates, companions, and more – so to give them some much-deserved recognition, Cadbury, America’s top Easter brand, is inviting pet parents to let their “fur babies” shine. Animal lovers nationwide can enter their household pets in the third annual Cadbury […]
City of Scranton is looking for local artists to redesign its flag before March 20, 2020

Looking for a fresh start after former mayor Bill Courtright plead guilty to three felony public corruption charges in 2019, Scranton began 2020 by swearing in the city’s first female mayor as well as its first openly gay member of City Council. Today, Mayor Paige Cognetti announced the Electric City’s next step towards a new […]
Northeast Pennsylvania Film Festival invites filmmakers to take Mystery Box Film Challenge

From a press release: Established and aspiring local filmmakers alike are invited to sign up for the Northeast Pennsylvania Film Festival’s popular annual event, the Mystery Box Film Challenge. Advance registration for the challenge begins today, Oct. 3, and must be made by Thursday, Oct. 31 by filling out the online form at The […]