Nick DeMarco

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Blood Bros.’ are the unsung heroes of the Wild West of arcades

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Blood Bros.’ are the unsung heroes of the Wild West of arcades

Happy 2018, readers! Turn to Channel 3 will continue showcasing games of years past in the new year, so we begin by taking a trip back to the arcades this month with some unsung heroes of that era, if you will. Today’s topic is a game with a ton of fun and twice as much […]

 Derek Warren

DRINK IT DOWN: Our Special Ale 2017 (Christmas Ale) by Anchor Brewing Company

DRINK IT DOWN: Our Special Ale 2017 (Christmas Ale) by Anchor Brewing Company

Beer: Our Special Ale 2017 (Anchor Christmas Ale) Brewery: Anchor Brewing Company Style: Winter Warmer ABV: 6.70% Description: Our Special Ale pours a deep brown with light ruby highlights and a huge frothy brown head that leaves a thick lacing on the glass. The aroma is festive and warming, with dark semi-sweet malts, spices, and […]

 Mathew Dapkins

MASSIVE BEER REVIEWS: Cloudy with a Chance of Charcuterie IPA by Free Will Brewing Company

Beer: Cloudy with a Chance of Charcuterie Brewery: Free Will Brewing Company Style: IPA Age: 2017 ABV: 7.00% Free Will Brewing in Perkasie, Pennsylvania is known for their sour beers, but this week, we’re going to try their New England-style IPA, Cloudy with a Chance of Charcuterie. Despite the name, this does not have any […]

 Nick DeMarco

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Santa delivers an average holiday in ‘Daze Before Christmas’

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: Santa delivers an average holiday in ‘Daze Before Christmas’

Another Christmas is in the books, and I hope you all had a great one, but I apologize if today’s topic already feels stale and Christmas overload-ish for you, but when you look at the history of true Christmas-themed games, there aren’t many to speak of, and even less that made the trek over here […]

 Derek Warren

CULT CORNER: Flash back to the ’80s and slash into the New Year with ‘New Year’s Evil’

CULT CORNER: Flash back to the ’80s and slash into the New Year with ‘New Year’s Evil’

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even Easter all have horror films based around holiday celebrations. The sheer idea of a horror film based about New Year’s Eve could be scary with a large volume of people in one enclosed place, but “New Year’s Evil” takes a different turn with the holiday celebration. The film follows a […]

 Rich Howells

REVIEW/PHOTOS: NEPA Holiday Show with Menzingers, Tigers Jaw, and more in Scranton, 12/16/17

REVIEW/PHOTOS: NEPA Holiday Show with Menzingers, Tigers Jaw, and more in Scranton, 12/16/17

A little snow couldn’t keep away hundreds of fans of all ages, some who drove from hours away and others eager to see their hometown friends again, from piling into the Grand Ballroom of the Scranton Cultural Center on Saturday, Dec. 16 for the seventh annual NEPA Holiday Show. Started by The Menzingers and Tigers […]

 Derek Warren

DRINK IT DOWN: Kentucky Christmas Morning Gingerbread Stout by Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

DRINK IT DOWN: Kentucky Christmas Morning Gingerbread Stout by Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Beer: Kentucky Christmas Morning Brewery: Hardywood Park Craft Brewery Style: Milk/Sweet Stout ABV: 10.60% Description: Kentucky Christmas Morning pours a very dark brown with a rocky tan head that leaves wisps of lacing on the glass. The aroma is coffee and bourbon forward, with sweet lactose notes along with hints of chocolate, cinnamon, ginger, and […]

 Nick DeMarco

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘C. Kane’ is the classic movie/RPG parody you’ll want like Rosebud

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘C. Kane’ is the classic movie/RPG parody you’ll want like Rosebud

Recently, a colleague asked me just what makes indie games, without those big budgets behind them, so successful? My immediate response is that they tap into something that elicits a memory or make an established formula even better. In the case of today’s Turn to Channel 3 topic, it is 50 percent parody, 50 percent […]

 Derek Warren

CULT CORNER: Be ‘very naughty’ this Christmas with infamous ‘Silent Night, Deadly Night’

CULT CORNER: Be ‘very naughty’ this Christmas with infamous ‘Silent Night, Deadly Night’

There are many Christmas-themed horror films, including some we’ve featured here, but few have reached the heights in the sub-genre that “Silent Night, Deadly Night” has over the years. The fever pitch that the film created upon initial release in theaters set it on the path to the cult status it now enjoys. Released in […]

 Derek Warren

DRINK IT DOWN: Blizzard of Hops Winter IPA by Tröegs Brewing Company

DRINK IT DOWN: Blizzard of Hops Winter IPA by Tröegs Brewing Company

Beer: Blizzard of Hops Brewery: Tröegs Brewing Company Style: American IPA ABV: 6.40% Description: Blizzard of Hops pours a slightly golden hazy hue with a frothy white head that leaves a thick lacing on the glass. The aroma is both refreshing in a summer way while also being perfect for winter. Hops dominate the nose, […]

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