Rich Howells

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ does not go the way you think, thankfully

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ does not go the way you think, thankfully

Editor’s note: This review is spoiler-free and does not reveal any major plot details. One line that sticks out from the “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” trailer is Luke Skywalker warning Rey, “This is not going to go the way you think!” After seeing the film on opening night, he could have just as easily […]

 Nick DeMarco

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: If you love retro games, you’ll dig ‘Shovel Knight’ on the Wii U

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: If you love retro games, you’ll dig ‘Shovel Knight’ on the Wii U

I recently read an article about the success of indie games on the Nintendo Switch, which has further bolstered the already stellar roster of titles for the console. Many developers were quoted as saying that one of the reasons their games have been so successful on the Switch is because many of them harken back […]

 Derek Warren

CULT CORNER: ‘Christmas Evil’ is an obscure ’80s movie you better watch out for

CULT CORNER: ‘Christmas Evil’ is an obscure ’80s movie you better watch out for

Santa on a killing spree is the stuff of nightmares for children, but for adults, a film based on this idea has all the makings for a fun night together with friends. While some may find it in bad taste, those who love a good “bad” film will find “Christmas Evil” endlessly entertaining. “Christmas Evil” […]

 Derek Warren

DRINK IT DOWN: Merry Monks Tripel Ale by Weyerbacher Brewing Company

DRINK IT DOWN: Merry Monks Tripel Ale by Weyerbacher Brewing Company

Beer: Merry Monks Brewery: Weyerbacher Brewing Company Style: Tripel ABV: 9.30% Description: Merry Monks pours a clear, bright golden hue with a frothy white head that dissipates quickly, leaving very little lacing behind. The aroma is very Belgian yeast forward, with notes of banana and pear being the most dominate and backing notes of spices […]

 Mathew Dapkins

MASSIVE BEER REVIEWS: Dark Chocolate Scotch Ale by Genesee Brewing Company

Beer: Pilot Batch: Dark Chocolate Scotch Ale Brewery: Genesee Brewing Company Style: Scotch Ale Age: 2017 ABV: 7.50% Genesee gets a bad rap from beer snobs, but as an unapologetic fan of their Creme Ale, we suggest giving them another look. Over the past few years, Genny has been producing some quality brews that would […]

 Nick DeMarco

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Double Dragon Neon’ burns bright as ’80s throwback brawler

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Double Dragon Neon’ burns bright as ’80s throwback brawler

Creating new content from an established franchise is difficult business. The struggle is real, as it relates to how much you borrow from the past versus creating a totally new experience for the gamer. I’ve seen just as many failures as successes in this area of game development, and today we’re going to focus on […]

 Jason Riedmiller

REVIEW/PHOTOS: Spoon and White Reaper at Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, 12/03/17

REVIEW/PHOTOS: Spoon and White Reaper at Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, 12/03/17

“Controlled chaos” are the two words that best describe Spoon’s whirlwind performance at the Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg on Sunday, Dec. 3. From the moment opener White Reaper ended their set, a single note soaked in white noise rang out for 20 minutes until the stage went black and keyboardist Alex Fischel broke into “Do […]

 Rich Howells

REVIEW: Breaking Benjamin rewards hometown fans with surprise acoustic show in Luzerne

REVIEW: Breaking Benjamin rewards hometown fans with surprise acoustic show in Luzerne

Arriving just before Breaking Benjamin started their first song on Thursday, Nov. 30, it seemed like this would be the first show that NEPA Scene would have to review from outside the venue looking in. That’s because, just two days ago, the multi-platinum-selling rock band from Wilkes-Barre surprised their hometown fans by announcing a free, […]

 Mathew Dapkins

MASSIVE BEER REVIEWS: CBS (Canadian Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing Company

Beer: CBS (Canadian Breakfast Stout) Brewery: Founders Brewing Company Style: Imperial Stout Age: 2017 ABV: 11.70% CBS hasn’t been available in bottles since 2011, and with Founders’ reputation for top-rated beers, to say that Canadian Breakfast Stout is anticipated is a huge understatement, eh? But can this bourbon barrel-aged stout with chocolate and coffee aged […]

 Nick DeMarco

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Tecmo Cup Soccer’ kicks NES sports games up a notch

TURN TO CHANNEL 3: ‘Tecmo Cup Soccer’ kicks NES sports games up a notch

Recently, it was revealed to me that I had sunk over 20 hours into a Nintendo Switch game called “Golf Story,” one that combines the fun of 16-bit-style golf and an equally compelling RPG factor that tells an awesome and humorous story you can’t find in any ordinary golf video game. While this may seem […]

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